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以马内利中文学校这周六(1/17开始报名“成人舞蹈健身班”和“陈氏拳健身班”,二月七日正式开课。从这周六开始,你可以来报名,与老师见面,试一试你是否喜欢,如果希望继续,可以交学费$8012次课),支票写给 ECBC







时间:星期六, 两点半到三点半

地点:以马内利华人教会:10101 England Dr Overland Park, KS 66212



“陈氏拳健身班” 简介:





时间:星期六, 两点到三点

地点:以马内利华人教会:10101 England Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212 



Emmanuel Chinese School starts taking registration of “Dance Workout Class” and “Chen’s Martial Art Class” (both classes are for adults and seniors) this Saturday (January 17th).  Both classes start on Feb 7th, 2015.


On this Saturday, you are welcome to register, talk to Mr. Wei or Coach Li, and try out either class.  If you enjoy the class and want to take the class, the tuition will be $80 for twelve sessions.  Please make check payable to ECBC.


A brief introduction of “Dance Workout Class for Adults” is as follows.

Coach: Wei GuiLin, LeYue Art Ensemble Director

Contents:  Folk Dance, Workout Dance, Singing Dance

Target:   Adults and seniors, Men or Women.

Time:  Saturday, 2:30PM to 3:30PM

Location: Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church: 10101 England Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212 ‎

Room:  117


A brief introduction of “Chen’s Martial Arts Class” is as follows.

Coach: Li Hong, Chen’s Martial Art Master

Contents:  Chen’s Martial Arts

Target:   Adults and seniors, Men or Women.

Time:  Saturday, 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Location: Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church: 10101 England Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212 ‎

Room:  129


以马内利中文学校/Emmanuel Chinese School