1:30-3:00pm 上课、奖励商店、分发校刊
3:00-4:30pm 识字比赛颁奖、期末学生汇报表演、点心交通(请男同学们带chips或饮料、女同学们带甜点)
中文学校在此谢谢有数位家长和学生将所收集的Box Tops 标签交给校方,欢迎大家继续收集标签,随时放入中文学校的布告栏或在上课期间交给老师或学校行政人员,谢谢大家对中文学校的支持与合作。
Dear Parents and Teachers,
Greetings! As the weather gets warmer we know that the spring is upon us. Everywhere you look there are green grass and pretty flowers. We thank God for creating such a wonderful world for us.
Time goes fast and there are only four sessions left this semester. Hopefully everyone is taking advantage of these few sessions and learn faster and study harder. Especially this coming Saturday, we have Word Recognition Contest. It will be lots of fun for all the students. Teachers have already sent out the words that will be in the contest. Please help and get your child/children to familiarize with them.
The schedule of May 9th (the last day of class) is as follows:
1:30 to 3:00pm–Regular class in session, Award shop, and Year-book distribution
3:00 to 4:30pm–Award assembly, Year-end performance, and Fellowship with refreshments (Boys please bring chips or drink and Girls please bring dessert).
In the attachments please find the registration forms and schedule for the Fall semester. We encourage you to register early for the Fall semester to guarantee a seat in the classroom.
We appreciate your help greatly in collecting the Box Tops labels. We hope you can continue to collect these labels to help the Chinese School as a fund raising for education through the year. Please give your labels collection to the teacher or any of the staffs or just put into the clear box outside the office or the bulletin board. We want to thank you for your continuous support to Emmanuel Chinese School.
Have a wonderful weekend. See you Saturday.
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan