1:30-3:30 中文课
3:30-4:30 社团活动课
3:30-5:00 没上社团活动的孩子们,请家长们陪同他们一起看电影
5:00-7:00 BBQ晚餐、联谊交流
感谢神赐我们一位有爱心的家长,愿意在孩子们上中文课期间,提供“中医义诊”,地点在教室123,请大家告诉大家。最后,中文学校仍在继续收集Box Tops的标签,请将有效的标签交给校方(教室134)或是放入中文学校布告栏的透明桶里,谢谢大家对中文学校的爱心支持。愿神赐福你们周末愉快!
Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,
Greetings! Chinese School will host an All School Fellowship on September 26th. You and your family are cordially invited to join us for the fun gathering. The School will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. Please bring your lawn chairs, Frisbees, fruits (the families of first graders please bring fruits), dessert (families of K class, second and third graders please bring dessert), and Chinese salad (families of fourth through eighth graders please bring Chinese salad). The schedule for the afternoon is as follows:
1:30-3:30 Chinese classes
3:30-4:30 Club activities
3:30-5:00 Movie (for those who do not sign up for clubs are welcome to stay for a movie with their parents)
5:00-7:00 BBQ dinner and fellowship
The school staff of Public Relation brother George Tang is the coordinator of the All School Fellowship. Please contact him with any questions. Brother Wei Zhou, school staff of General Affairs, is in charge of setup and cleaning in the end. Please do come help the setup and cleaning for this special event.
Praise the Lord, a caring parent is having a free Chinese Medicine consultation for everybody. The location is at Room 123 during the school hours. Please propagate this good news to your families and friends. Still, we continue to collect Box Tops as a fundraising. Please bring these Box Tops to school. You can deposit the Box Tops to the containers on the bulletin boards, or give them to the staffs.
May God bless you all a great weekend!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan