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一月份特讯/ECS January Special announcement‏




KCCAA 将于元月三十日晚上七点正举办堪城迎春联欢晚会,荣磊会长特别给中文学校优惠票价一张$8,请在二十二日前向校方预先购票。



Dear ECS Parents,


ECBC beloved Pastor Hunker has passed away to be with the Lord last Thursday night.  The memorial ceremony will be at 2:00pm on January 23rd.  Chinese School has decided to cancel all classes on January 23rd due to the fact that many ECS coworkers and teachers would like to attend the memorial ceremony.  The make-up class date will be March 26th.

The President Forest Rong of KCCAA is honoring the Chinese New Year evening gala tickets at $8/per ticket to ECS.  Please purchase and reserve your tickets from ECS by January 22nd.

Chinese school after-school activities include painting lessons, table tennis, and soccer.  All three activities are taught by excellent teachersand coaches.  Parents please encourage your child/children to attend.

May the Lord bless all the students in Chinese classes and activities this year!

蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan