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以马内利中文学校八月讯息/ECS August Newsletter



函附上这学期的家长值勤表- 秋季 Fall 2016,请值勤家在上课期间维持教室外走道的安,以助孩子们心学;在课休(十分)时,注意孩子们在外面玩的安全,您若有任何建议或题,请到中文学校办公室(教室134)我们联系。






Dear Parents and Teachers,

Greetings!  Chinese school started classes for two weeks.  We thank all the parents for support and help. I am very certain that all of our teachers will teach with love while the children will learn Chinese happily.  For the major programs, this fall semester we will have a whole school carnival (October 8), a recitation contest (November 12) and an end-of-semester reward shop.   Tentatively next semester we will have Chinese New Year performances, a word recognition competition, yearbooks, a year-end BBQ, and an end-of-semester reward store.

Parents’ duty roster for this semester is in the attachment.  The parents on duty are to maintain the quietness on the hallway outside the classrooms during the class sessions so the children can concentrate on their classes. During the ten-minute recess, the attention should be focused on children’s safety inside and outside of the building.  If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact us.

Secretary: Alice Gu

Officer of General Affairs: Wei Zhou

Web Master: George Chen

Treasure Counselor: Kathie Shen

Public Relations/After school activities: George Tang


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

Emmanuel Chinese School Principal

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 918-760-9011