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以马内利中文学校三月讯息/ECS March Newsletter


收函平安!今年中文学校春节各班学生演出精彩,有歌曲、短、绕口令、三句半、二重唱、朗诵、散文、合唱等等,烦请家长们忙把照片发送到学校电子邮箱([email protected]),以便编入今年学校校刊的活动照片版。




Dear ECS Parents,

Greetings!  The Chinese New Year Celebration performance by our students was a huge success this year.  There were songs, skits, tongue twisters, three and a half sentences, duets, recitation, prose with music, chorus, etc.  Parents please email all the pictures you have taken from the performance to the School’s website ([email protected]).  Those pictures will be collaged and incorporated into the photo editorial section of the school yearbook this year.


Chinese School wants to give big thanks for Sister Yalu Pao’s love and generosity.  The BAOS Insurance is taking the scholarship application starting now.  Details are in the attached document.  The application is due back to Ms. Alice Gu by the end of March.

The Daylight Saving Time will begin on this Sunday, March 11th.  The parents on duty in March are Ming Gao (3/3), Ms. Su (3/10) and Yan Hao (3/24). 

May God bless you and your family abundantly!


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan