收函平安!以马内利中文学校这个周六(十月六 日 )停课一天,那天的中文课和课外活动课都將停止。鼓励大家去观看我们以马内利少年合唱团在考夫曼剧院四点钟的演出。如果还有需要购票的,请与唐延国联系。学校将会在十二月十五日补课。谢谢大家。
十月份值勤家长是于艳丽(十三日),郭琳(二十日),王師母(二十七日) ,请值勤家长在上课期间维持教室外走道的安静,以帮助孩子们专心学习;在课休(十分钟)时,注意孩子们在外面玩的安全。最后,请家长们将有效的Box Tops的标签交给校方,以便统一处理并邮寄,谢谢。
Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,
Chinese School will not have Chinese and after-school-activity classes on October 6th this week. Our school choir is having rehearsal and performance at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. The performance starts at 4:00pm. All parents and children are welcome to join us to enjoy the performance. The tickets are on sale now. Please contact George Tang for the details. We will have make-up classes on December 15th. Thank you.
The parents on duty on October are Yanli Yu (Oct. 13th), Lin Guo (Oct, 20th) and Ms. Wang (Oct, 27th). The parents on duty are to maintain the quietness on the hallway outside the classrooms during the class sessions so the children can stay focus on learning Chinese language. During the ten-minute recess, the attention should be on the children’s safety outside at the playground. Parents please continue to collect and donate the Box Tops labels to our Chinese school.
Thank you and May God bless you and your family abundantly!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan