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四月讯息/April Newsletter




四月份值班家长:苏孟年(4/6),魏卉玲(4/13),陈秀珠(4/20),郭琳(4/27) 。请值勤家长们在课休(十分钟)时,注意孩子们在外面游乐场玩耍的安全。


Dear Parents,

Greetings!  Chinese school will hold a Spelling Contest on April 27th.  All the words and phrases in PPT files have been emailed to you earlier.  Parents please help your child/ children to review the vocabularies with a computer at home.  During the competition, speed is also a very important factor. In two minutes, you want to recognize as many words as you can.

Learning Chinese language and understanding Chinese culture are complimentary to each other. Our Chinese school is now taking enrollment of Chinese Culture Summer Camp.   Details are attached.  The classes are rich with Chinese culture and fun-filled hands-on activities.  Please enroll your children for this wonderful camp and share the good news to your friends.

The parents on duty in April are Meng-ping Su (4/6), Huiling Wei (4/13), Xiu-zhu Chen (4/20) andLin Guo (4/27).  During the ten-minute recess, the attention should be focused on children’s safety outside of the building at the playground.

May God bless you a wonderful weekend!


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan