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这个周六免费测量血压和血糖/Free Check-up of blood pressure & blood sugar this Saturday

亲爱的家长们/Dear ECS Parents,

以马内利华人浸信会的利马秘鲁医疗福音短宣队,将在5/4 这个周六下午2-4在123教室,举办免费测量血压和血糖并提供相关的咨询,欢迎家长们邀请亲朋好友一起来善用这个好机会!(请在测试前两小时空腹)

The Lima medical gospel team of Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church is hosting a free clinic to check your blood pressure, blood sugar and providing related consultation this Saturday, May 4.  Family and friends are welcome to come and participate in this event.  (Please do fasting two hours before the tests.)


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan