这个星期天(八日)夏令时间开始,请调整时间。三月份值班家长:Jenny Shi(3/7),严尚荣(3/21),陶世信(3/28)。愿神赐福您们健康平安!我们周六见。
一月Jan. 01/04 01/18
二月 Feb. 02/01 02/15 02/22 02/29
三月Mar. 03/07 03/21 03/28
四月Apr. 04/04 04/18 04/11 04/25
五月May 05/02 05/09
Dear ECS Parents,
Greetings! Thank you teachers, parents, and students for your support for the school’s policy to prevent coronavirus. We will continue to take the following steps during each school day: Everyone coming to the church is asked to use hand sanitizer, and each classroom supplies hand sanitizer. Using hand sanitizer when class is over before going home.
Our Chinese school had cancelled classes on January 11th and February 8th due to icy snow day and Coronavirus breakout, respectively. After a staff and teachers meeting recently, we will adjust the class dates for these two cancelled sessions. Please refer to the class dates above. In terms of school activities, this semester we will have spelling bees for each class (April 18th), student performances and whole school BBQ (April 25th), school yearbooks and reward store (May 9th).
Daylight saving time starts this Sunday (8th), please adjust the time. Parents on duty in March: Jenny Shi (3/7), Cher Gault (3/21), Tao Shixin (3/28). May God bless you with good health and peace! See you this Saturday.
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan