Good Morning ECS Parents and students,
Attached please find this summer online courses and registration form. These seven courses are designed by our experienced teachers in a fun and creative way to cultivate children’s ability to speak and listen, enhance children’s interest in learning, and increase children’s vocabulary and Writing skills. These courses combine language and knowledge effectively. Parents are welcome to sign up for your child/children and share this good news with your friends. Thank you!
May God keep you all safe and healthy!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

费用 /Fee: $50/per student, per course(每门课程总共六个小时Six hours in total per course) 报名/Registration: 即日起到6月6日受理报名Enrollment opens now till June 6, 2020 支票抬头请写ECBC并备注学生姓名,将支票邮寄 Please make checkpayable to ECBC with memo of student’s name and mail it to 5203 West 166 Terrace, Stilwell, KS 66085