収函平安。本周是感恩节,周六11月28号暂停一次上课。12月5号是本学期最后一次课。届时我们将进行朗诵比赛, 会有三个裁判为孩子们打分,请家长们帮助孩子们练习比赛内容。
Dear Parents,
Greetings! There will be no school this Saturday November 28th due to Thanksgiving holiday. December 5th is the last day of fall semester.
ECBC Chinese school will host a recitation contest on December 5th during school hours. There will be three judges grading each participant. Please help your child/children to practice their recitation contents.
Spring semester classes begin on January 9th. I will send the registration information next week via email and ECBC Chinese school Wechat group.
We, the Chinese school staff and teachers, wish you all a blessed happy Thanksgiving!
Emmanuel Chinese School