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五月讯息/May Newsletter

收函平安! 我们这学期的最后一次课是5月8号,5月8号上午10点-11点我们会在教会门口发放奖杯,请家长们协同学生来教会领取上学期的朗诵比赛,这学期的识字比赛以及全学年的全勤比赛奖杯。愿神赐福您暑期平安愉快!别忘了报名参加我们的暑期夏令营 @ Emmanuel Chinese School 以马内利中文学校 – emmanuel chinese school of Kansas City (ecbcchineseschool.org), 期待在营中与大家见面。
Dear  ECS Parents,
Greeting! Our last day of school this semester  is May 8th. students who attended the recitation contest, spelling contest or  receive full-attendance awards please come to ECBC during 10am-11am on May 8th to pick up your Trophies. May god bless you all have a happy and safe summer.  Welcome to register our summer camp @ Emmanuel Chinese School 以马内利中文学校 – emmanuel chinese school of Kansas City (ecbcchineseschool.org)

Yanli Yu
ECBC Chinese School10101 England Drive, Overland Park, KS 66212