因着上帝的恩典,今年的夏令营费用将为每位ECS学生 150美元,每位非ECS学生180美元。详情请浏览 www.ecbcchineseschool.org。所有注册和付款均应在2021年6月28日之前完成。请在支票抬头上写Emmanuel Chinese School (备注2021夏令营和学生姓名),并邮寄到10101 England Drive, Overland Park, KS 66212。
Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,
Greetings! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Acting Principal Ms. Yanli Yu and all school coworkers for their diligent work during my out-of-country period.
By the grace of God, the summer camp fee will be $150 per ECS student and $180 per Non-ECS student this year. Please go to www.ecbcchineseschool.org for details. All registration and payments are due by June 28, 2021. Please make check payable to Emmanuel Chinese School (memo with “2021 summer camp” and student’s name(s)) and mail the check to 10101 England Drive, Overland Park, KS 66212.
May God keep you all healthy and safe this summer!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan