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九月讯息/ September newsletter


收函平安!非常感谢大家在上课时间戴口罩和使用洗手液,帮助将安全放在首位。 如果您想吃午餐或零食,请到123教室用餐。谢谢!



Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,

Greetings! Thank you all very much for helping to keep the safety as the top priority by wearing facial masks and using the hand sanitizer during school hours. If any of you want to have lunch or snacks, please go to the room 123 and eat there. Thank you!

We will have no Chinese school this Saturday (September 4th) to observe the Labor Day holiday. All classes will resume next Saturday (September 11th).

May God bless you all a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan