Dear Parents,
Greetings! Emmanuel Chinese School is now opening enrollment for the Chinese Culture Summer Camp. Detail information is attached. The classes are rich with Chinese culture and fun-filled hands-on activities. Please enroll your children for this wonderful camp via the below registration link and share this good summer camp news to your friends. May God bless you all healthy and safe!
报名链接Registration link:
以马内利中文学校中华文化夏令营Emmanuel Chinese School Chinese Culture Summer Camp在那阳光灿烂的日子~丰富生活、欢乐假期. Having Rich and Fun Filled ~Sunny Days in Summer. 书法,舌尖上的中国,中文,中国扯铃, 创意中国风手工,花卉彩绘,水墨画… Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese delicacy, Chinese Mandarin, Chinese YoYo, Creative Chinese Crafts, Color Painting, Ink Art Work & More 日期 Date: July 18~July 22, 2022 时间 Time: 8:30am~4:30pm 年龄 Age:凡是 2022 年 7 月 1 日之前七岁以上的青少年 (Ages 7 and up, prior to July 1st, 2022) 报名 Registration: 即日起受理报名 Enrollment opens now 费用 Fee: $180/ECS student, $210/Non ECS student 5 月 31 日前报名和付费,每名学生可享有二十美元的折扣 $20 discount per student when registered & pay before May 31st (午餐自备/Bring your own lunch) 支票抬头请写 Please make check payable to Emmanuel Chinese School 地点 Location: 以马内利华人浸信会 Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church 10101 England Drive, Overland Park, KS 66212 Email: [email protected] |
收函平安! 大家熱烈期待的暑期中国文化夏令营即日起接受报名,我们的课程充满丰富的中国文化内容和亲自动手的活动,附上我们的海报,请点击以上链接报名。愿神赐您们合家身体安康!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan