收函平安! 时光飞逝,现在已经是三月了,春天的第一个月。我们学校同工和老师很高兴看到您的孩子周六来上课,请家长们在孩子放学后到学校正门内接他们, , 他们的安全是我们最重视的,如果你有问题,请告诉我们。以下是本学期即将举行的学校活动和日期。愿神赐福您们周末愉快!
识字比赛/Words Recognition Contest:April 15
奖励商店/Award Store:April 29
学期末各班表演/Each Class Performance:May 6
颁奖,校刊/Award Assembly, Distribution of Yearbook:May 6
Dear Parents,
Greetings! Time flies and it is already March, the first month of spring. Our school staff and teachers are very happy to see your children come to class on Saturdays. Their safety is our top priority. Parents are requested to pick up your children inside the main entrance of the school when the children are done with class. If you have any questions, please let us know. Above are the upcoming school events and dates for this semester. May God bless you and have a great weekend!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
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