Home » Site News » 10/31/2023 丰收之夜 Harvest Night

10/31/2023 丰收之夜 Harvest Night


以马内利华人浸信会(ECBC)的儿童事工部诚邀您和您的孩子参加10月31日下午5点30分的“丰收之夜”。如果您和您的孩子可以参加此活动,请回复此电子邮件并注明可以参加的人数。如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至[email protected]。谢谢!

活动 Event:  丰收之夜 Harvest Night

时间 Time: Oct 31 at 5:30pm to 7:30pm

活动内容 Event Content:

     5:30-6:00 PM 提供晚餐 Dinner provided

     6:00-7:30 PM  圣经故事室、手工、游戏  Bible Story Room, Crafts, Games

Dear Parents,

Children ministry department cordially invites you and your children to a “Harvest Night” at 5:30pm on October 31st. If your children and you can attend this event, please RSVP by replying to this email with the number of people who can attend. If you have any questions, please email to [email protected]. Thank you.


ECBC Children Ministry Department