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春季班/Spring semester


收函平安!这周六开始春季班上课,我们特定于下午一点正接受报名中文课、课后的社团活动(绘画课、乒乓球、合唱团、象棋) 和成人英文课。


Dear Parents,

Greetings!  All Chinese classes and after-school activity classes (Drawings, Ping Pong, Youth choir and Chinese Chess) will resume this Saturday, January 19th.  The registration starts at 1:00pm for all the classes. 

If your child participated in the recitation contest last semester, and had not yet received the trophy, please come and pick it up this Saturday afternoon.  This spring semester we will have several special programs such as the Chinese New Year performance (February 16th), a word recognition competition (April 13th), a year-end BBQ, yearbooks and an end-of-semester reward store.  Look forward to seeing you all this Saturday.


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan