各班家长会/Parent Teacher conference
各班家长会时间表/Schedule of the Parent-Teacher Conference for each class:
2月17日@ 3:30p- K, 1st grade, 5th grade
2月24日@ 3:30p- 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, AP class
Dear ECS Parents,
Greetings! The parent-teacher conference for each class is this Saturday and next Saturday. The schedule of the parent-teacher conference is above. All students who attend the after-school activity classes will go to their assigned classrooms for the activity classes. When parents are talking to the teachers, the students who do not have the after-school activity class will go to room 123 and the school staff will take care of them.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you and look forward to seeing you and your child/children this Saturday.
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
12月讯息/December Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Greetings! The last class day of this semester is December 9th. On that date, the Chinese classes will be held as usual, and there will be no after-school activities. Please pick up your children at 3:30pm. There is a reward store for all students to exchange their accumulated points for prizes.
Attached is the Chinese School calendar for the spring semester of 2024. Please contact us with email or WeChat for any questions.
May God bless you all a wonderful week! See you this Saturday.
Yanli Yu
十一月讯息/November Newsletter
Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,
Greetings! Chinese school will host a recitation contest on November 11th during the school hours. There will be three judges going through the classes and grading each student. Please drop off your child/children to the classroom on time, or slightly before 1:30 PM. Also please help your child/children practice their recitation contents at home.
The day light saving time ends on this Sunday, November 5th. Please adjust your clocks accordingly. May God bless you all abundantly!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
10/31/2023 丰收之夜 Harvest Night
以马内利华人浸信会(ECBC)的儿童事工部诚邀您和您的孩子参加10月31日下午5点30分的“丰收之夜”。如果您和您的孩子可以参加此活动,请回复此电子邮件并注明可以参加的人数。如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至[email protected]。谢谢!
活动 Event: 丰收之夜 Harvest Night
时间 Time: Oct 31 at 5:30pm to 7:30pm
活动内容 Event Content:
5:30-6:00 PM 提供晚餐 Dinner provided
6:00-7:30 PM 圣经故事室、手工、游戏 Bible Story Room, Crafts, Games
Dear Parents,
Children ministry department cordially invites you and your children to a “Harvest Night” at 5:30pm on October 31st. If your children and you can attend this event, please RSVP by replying to this email with the number of people who can attend. If you have any questions, please email to [email protected]. Thank you.
ECBC Children Ministry Department
十月讯息/October Newsletter
1. 所有中文课1:30开始上课,请准时将您的孩子送到他们的教室上课。
2. 孩子们在课堂上会练习说中文,课间会和其他小朋友一起玩耍,他们可能会口渴,请让您的孩子带上一个水瓶或水壶,并在水瓶或水壶上注明他或她的名字。
3. 出于安全考量,在下午1:45至下午3:15,学校正门会锁上。如果您需要在此期间进入正门,请按正门外的门铃或致电(913)599-4137,我们会开门让您进入学校。愿神赐福您们全家安康!
Dear ECS Parents,
Greetings! Hope you are enjoying this nice temperature as much as we do. We would like to share a few pieces of information below.
1. All Chinese classes start at 1:30pm. Please send your child/children to their classroom on time for their classes.
2. Children will practice speaking in Chinese in the class and play with their friends at recess. They might get thirsty. Please have your child/children bring a water bottle(s) or canteen(s), labeled with his or her name on it.
3. For the security reasons, the main entrance of the school building will be locked between 1:45pm and 3:15pm during the school hours (1:30pm-3:30pm). If you need to enter the main entrance during this period of time, you may ring the doorbell by the front door or call at (913) 599-4137 and we will open the door to let you into the school building.
May God bless you and your family with good health!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
九月讯息/September Newsletter
Dear ECS Parents,
Greetings! It is a blessing to have your child come to our Chinese school to learn the Chinese language. We will have no Chinese school this Saturday (September 2nd) to observe the Labor Day holiday. All classes will resume next Saturday (September 9th).
Each class teacher has established a class chat group (via WeChat or Email) to communicate the progress of the class, homework assignments, and questions and answers. Parents, please join the class chat group for each of your child.
May God bless you all with a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
五月讯息/May Newsletter
网上报名链接/Online Registration Link:
Dear Parents and Teachers,
Greeting! The last day of classes for this semester is May 6th. All Chinese class will start at 1:30 as usual, and there will be no after-school activities. But there will be an end-of-semester performance by students in each class from 2:30 to 3:30. Parents, please help your children follow the teacher’s requirements to wear clothes and come to the church sanctuary at 2:20 to watch your children perform.
On May 6th, every student who participated in the Spelling competition will receive a unique designed Spelling competition trophy. At the same time, students who have completed two semesters of perfect attendance in both the fall semester of 2022 and spring semester of 2023 will receive a perfect attendance trophy. The students who have completed one semester of perfect attendance will also receive a perfect attendance certificate.
Attached is the Chinese School calendar for the fall semester of 2023. Please click the above link to register for the fall semester and feel free to contact us through email or WeChat for any questions.
May God bless you all a wonderful day! See you this Saturday.
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
复活节停课/No Classes this Saturday
Dear ECS Parents,
Greetings! We will have no Chinese school this Saturday (April 8th) because of Easter weekend. All classes will resume next Saturday (April 15th). Parents please help your child/ children to review the vocabularies from the list of Spelling Contest with a computer at home.
May God bless you all a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
四月讯息/April Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Greetings! Chinese school will hold a Spelling Contest on April 15th. All the words and phrases in PPT files should have been emailed to you earlier. Parents please help your child/ children to review the vocabularies with a computer at home. During the competition, speed is also a very important factor. In two minutes, the students want to recognize as many words as they can.
May God bless you a wonderful weekend!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
三月讯息/March Newsletter
收函平安! 时光飞逝,现在已经是三月了,春天的第一个月。我们学校同工和老师很高兴看到您的孩子周六来上课,请家长们在孩子放学后到学校正门内接他们, , 他们的安全是我们最重视的,如果你有问题,请告诉我们。以下是本学期即将举行的学校活动和日期。愿神赐福您们周末愉快!
识字比赛/Words Recognition Contest:April 15
奖励商店/Award Store:April 29
学期末各班表演/Each Class Performance:May 6
颁奖,校刊/Award Assembly, Distribution of Yearbook:May 6
Dear Parents,
Greetings! Time flies and it is already March, the first month of spring. Our school staff and teachers are very happy to see your children come to class on Saturdays. Their safety is our top priority. Parents are requested to pick up your children inside the main entrance of the school when the children are done with class. If you have any questions, please let us know. Above are the upcoming school events and dates for this semester. May God bless you and have a great weekend!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan
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