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三月讯息/March Newsletter




这个星期天(八日)夏令时间开始,请调整时间。三月份值班家长:Jenny Shi(3/7),严尚荣(3/21),陶世信(3/28)。愿神赐福您们健康平安!我们周六见。

一月Jan.                 01/04           01/18                                                                                                            

二月 Feb.             02/01           02/15           02/22           02/29

三月Mar.             03/07           03/21           03/28                     

四月Apr.             04/04           04/18           04/11     04/25

五月May             05/02         05/09

Dear ECS Parents,

Greetings! Thank you teachers, parents, and students for your support for the school’s policy to prevent coronavirus. We will continue to take the following steps during each school day: Everyone coming to the church is asked to use hand sanitizer, and each classroom supplies hand sanitizer. Using hand sanitizer when class is over before going home.

Our Chinese school had cancelled classes on January 11th and February 8th due to icy snow day and Coronavirus breakout, respectively. After a staff and teachers meeting recently, we will adjust the class dates for these two cancelled sessions. Please refer to the class dates above. In terms of school activities, this semester we will have spelling bees for each class (April 18th), student performances and whole school BBQ (April 25th), school yearbooks and reward store (May 9th).

Daylight saving time starts this Sunday (8th), please adjust the time. Parents on duty in March: Jenny Shi (3/7), Cher Gault (3/21), Tao Shixin (3/28). May God bless you with good health and peace! See you this Saturday.


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

二月讯息/February Newsletter



对于即将到来的星期六的课程,我们的学校仍然开放。我们将遵循Blue Valley学校的规定:




Dear ECS Parents,

Greetings!  We thanked God that the result of the KU’s potential case is negative.

For the coming Saturday’s class we are still open.  We will follow the Blue Valley School protocols that

1.     Student who has come back from China less than 14 days should stay at home.

2.     Student who has fever should stay at home.

3.     Student who has family member with fever should stay at home.

4.      Student who has family member recently coming back from China less than 14 days should stay at home.

School will provide hand sanitizer to clean the hands of students at the beginning of every class and at the end of all classes.  Attached is a copy of the health guidelines of recent church activities.  Please contact us if you have any questions.

We will continue to monitor the latest development of the Wuhan virus.  We will contact you through email again when situation warrants.  Look forward to seeing you all this Saturday.


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

本周六的课程取消/All classes are canceled this Saturday





请大家谨慎行事,经常洗手,打喷嚏或咳嗽时要掩盖口鼻。 愿上帝保守大家健康平安!

Dear ECS Parents,

You probably are very aware of Coronavirus (Wuhan Virus) right now in China and all over the world, including here in the U.S.  ECS staff is also paying great attention to the latest development, especially the KU’s potential case.

While we should be vigilant in protecting our family and ourselves, we should also live our daily lives without worrying.  We need to strike a balance in life.

Our school staff have discussed many times this week.  The KU case may not be confirmed as positive or negative before our classes start this Saturday.  Also, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Coronavirus (Wuhan virus) a global health emergency.  For the safety concerns, we have decided to cancel all classes this Saturday.

Please be cautious, wash your hands frequently and cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.   May God keep you all healthy and safe!

中文学校今天停课/All classes cancel today 1/11/2020




Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,

Due to the slick road condition from the snow, the Chinese school will cancel all classes today for the safety reason.  We wish you all stay warm and safe while enjoying the beautiful peaceful snowy scene.

Have a blessed weekend!

Sincerely,蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

1/4/2020 春季班上课/Spring Semester begins





Dear Parents,

Emmanuel Chinese School wishes you a 2020 New Year full of good health and abundant blessings!

All Chinese classes, Adult Chinese class and after-school activity classes (Youth choir, Drawing, Chess and Taekwondo) will resume this Saturday, January 4th.  The registration starts at 1:00pm for all the classes.  Attached please find the school calendar and feel free to contact us with any questions. 

If your child participated in the recitation contest last semester, and had not yet received the trophy, please come and pick it up this Saturday afternoon.  This spring semester we will have several special programs such as the Chinese New Year performance (February 8th), a word recognition competition (April 18th), a year-end BBQ (April 25th), yearbooks and an end-of-semester reward store (May 2nd).  Look forward to seeing you all this Saturday.


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

以马内利中文学校十二月讯息/ECS December Newsletter



十二月十四日除了中文课和课后活动课照常上课外,有奖励商店(中文学校办公室) ,让学生以这学期上课所累积的点数换取奖品,并有学生朗诵比赛颁奖典礼,颁奖时间是3:00-3:25pm,每位参加朗诵比赛的学生都会领到一个精心制作的奖杯,请家长们一起到中文崇拜堂支持孩子们努力的成果。



Dear Parents and Teachers,

Greetings!  The warmth of the Christmas is upon us, and let us get together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. 

All the Chinese classes and after-class activities will be held regularly on December 14th.  There is a reward store for all students to exchange their points for prizes.  Also there is a recitation award assembly.  Parents please do come and join us for the award assembly at 3:00-3:25pm in the Chinese Worship Sanctuary.    

Attached please find the information of the Chinese School calendar for the spring semester of 2020.  We will start taking the enrollment for Chinese classes and after-class activities.  We want to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for your support. 

May God bless you all a wonderful week!  See you this Saturday.


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

10月19日教会25周年庆/ECBC 25th Anniversary on Oct. 19


收函平安!10月19日是以马内利华人浸信会的25 周年庆祝会,当天中文学校不上课,教会诚挚地邀请您以及您的家人和朋友一起来参加庆典。敬祝祈安!

10:00am-11:30am   崇拜

11:30am-1:30pm    午餐,活动/游戏


Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,


Greetings!  Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church is celebrating its 25th anniversary this Saturday, Oct, 19th.  Chinese School holds no classes on that day.  You, your family and friends are cordially invited to join with us at this special event. 

10:00am-11:30am            Worship

11:30am-1:30pm              Lunch, Activities/Games


Thank you and May God bless you and your family abundantly!


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

劳工节假期/Labor Day weekend






Dear ECS Parents and Teachers,

Greetings!  We would like to thank the parents who were on duty for the last two Saturdays so that all students could stay focused on learning Chinese Mandarin in an orderly environment.  The on-duty parents are to maintain the quietness on the hallway outside the classrooms when all classes are in session.  During the ten-minute recess, the attention should be focused on children’s safety outside of the building at the playground. 

The parents on duty for the month of September are Wei Zhou (Sept. 7th), Cher Gault (Sept. 14th), Yan Hao (Sept. 21st) and Yandong Li (Sept. 28th).  Please come to the school office (room 134) and chat with us if you have any suggestions or questions.

We will have no Chinese school this Saturday (August 31st) due to the Labor Day weekend.  All classes will resume next Saturday (Sept. 7th).

May God bless you all a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

中国文化夏令营 Chinese Culture Camp


非常感谢您的孩子来參加ECS中国文化夏令营。我们期待在七月29日夏令营的第一天与您的孩子见面,夏令营 的时间是七月29日至八月2日上午9:00至下午4:00,随函附上责任表的副本夏令营规则的副本,请在夏令营的第一天提早几分钟带您的孩子和这两份表格报到,如果您希望在营地完成这两份表格,我们将提供这些表格。



Dear Parents,

Thank you very much for registering your child/children to the ECS Chinese Culture Youth Summer Camp.  We are looking forward to meeting all the campers on the first day of camp which runs from July 29th to August 2nd.  Camp hours are 9:00am to 4:00pm.  Please arrive a few minutes earlier on Monday to check in your children.  Attached are a copy of the liability/publicity forms and a copy of the camp rules.  Please complete the forms and bring them on the first day of camp.  We will provide hard copies of those forms if you prefer to complete them on site.

Please pay attention to the following items:

1.    Bring a water bottle or canteen, labeled with the camper’s name on it, every morning

2.    Wear old clothes and sneakers as they may get stained

3.    Tie up hair if it is long

If you have any questions, please make sure to contact us!!  We are looking forward to a rich and fun filled summer camp!


蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan

2019 ECBC VBS Flyer and Registration form

Dear ECS Parents, 

All children aged from 4 years old to 12 years old are cordially invited to a fun-filled VBS hosted by Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church.  The deadline for registration is July 13, 2019.  Please see attached for all the details.
Sincerely, Vickie