中文学校的公告栏(Room 108 外面)有展示学生的作品,现在是K班的“我爱我家” ,一年级班的“诗情画意”和“一品香”,七年级班的“旧货拍卖” 。
校方将会在课堂上和学校所举办的活动中给学生们照像,若有家长们不同意孩子像片被公开在学校网站,请在周六下午上课期间到中文学校办公室(Room 134),索取并填写表格。
Dear parents,
Greetings, Emanuel Chinese Baptist Church cordially invite you to join
us on the special 2014 Fall Revival meeting. The speaker is Dr.
Tsu-Kung Chuang and the topic is “Quest for Life.” The schedule of
the meetings is as follows:
10/24 Friday at 7:30 PM
10/25 Saturday at 4:30 PM and 7:00 PM. Dinner provided at 6:00 PM
10/26 Sunday at 9:30 AM
Childcare Provided
There is an exhibit of student works on the Chinese school bulletin
board outside of Room 108. Class K presents “I Love My Family,” the
first grade class presents “The Scene of Poetic Picture” and “The
Fragrance of Characters,” and the 7th grade class presents “Garage
Sale.” Please come and enjoy the excellent works.
We are going to take photos of our students during classes and all
events hosted by Emmanuel Chinese School through the school year. We
understand that some parents may request that we do not identify their
child/children on the school website. Please stop by Chinese School
office (Room 134) and fill out the form during the school hours.
Have a wonderful weekend!
蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan