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最后,提醒大家参加在婚姻和教养儿童方面很有经验的庄祖鲲牧师主讲 “生之追寻”,时间如下:

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Hope everyone like me, is enjoying the sunny, cool weather. I have
enjoyed hearing teachers learn from each other, seeing students do
their homework during the week, and seeing the students participate in
the classroom.

Since this is Chinese school’s first year, I am asking everyone to
donate Chinese children's books, classic novels, mystery, science
fiction, comic books, graphic novels, poetry, dictionaries, etc. As
long as it will be beneficial to the student, we welcome your donation
to our Chinese school book cabinet.

This Saturday (October 25 only) there will only be one period of class
from 1:30 pm~2:25pm. After that period, there will be table tennis in
rooms 130 and 131 and the gym will be open to everyone from 2:25 pm ~
4: 25pm. All parents, teachers, kids and friends are welcome.

Lastly, we welcome you to attend Dr. Tsu-Kung Chuang’s “Quest for
Life.” The schedule of the meetings is as follows:

10/24 Friday at 7:30 PM

10/25 Saturday at 4:30 PM and 7:00 PM. Dinner provided at 6:00 PM

10/26 Sunday at 9:30 AM

Childcare Provided

Have a wonderful day!

蔡瑜芬/Vickie Chyan